How to be Your Most Authentic Self on Social Media

Want to learn how to portray the most authentic version of yourself on social media? The world is changing and people are beginning to follow accounts they feel more connected to. Chloe Beth aka @thechloebeth / explains the importance of authenticity in content creation. 

Focus on Yourself

Q: What piece of advice do you wish you had been given when you were first developing your channel?

Don’t compare yourself or your content to others. There will always be someone who grows faster, has better engagement, gets more brand deals, or has nicer photos. Focus on your own stuff. Be clear on your goals. Be consistent. Be yourself.

 Also, don’t wait until you have a revolutionary caption idea or a perfect content strategy. Just start posting and doing, and you’ll learn what works and what doesn’t along the way.

Creating Engagement  

Q: What is a content creation hack you’d love to share?

You gotta bring your authentic self to the table, especially on Instagram and TikTok. People follow accounts they feel connected to. I always say if you can make your audience feel like they’re your close friend, your content will be successful

It’s not easy to open your life up to strangers, but it’s a guaranteed way to grow a loyal group of followers. A few examples of people who do a great job of this is Jillian Harris and Sarah from The Birds Papaya.

Oh, also – engage with your followers. Reply to comments and DMs. Like and comment on their photos. It’s a two-way street.

Lastly, here’s a tip that’s really easy to implement. I find ideas and inspiration hit me at random times and I’m not always at my computer to write them down. So, I keep a note on my iPhone where I jot down ideas as they pop into my brain. For whatever reason, I tend to get good ideas right before I fall asleep. I used to assume I’d remember them in the morning, but lots of times, the idea is gone. And even if I don’t execute on these things right away, it helps to have a list of ideas ready to go the next time you’re staring at a blank page looking for something to say.


Getting Over Speed-bumps  

Q: What hurdles have you overcome?

When I first started, getting comfortable being vulnerable in my content was the biggest hurdle. Sounds weird, but because of the nature of my content, I sometimes look at Instagram and my blog as if they’re a journal. A journal that thousands of people can see…haha.

Content creation in itself is no walk in the park. The biggest hurdle for me today is finding the time, creativity, and energy to create high-quality content consistently. I work a full-time “day job” that also happens to involve content creation, so often, at the end of the day, my brain has nothing of value left to contribute. I wouldn’t say I’ve overcome this hurdle, but I’ve definitely discovered methods to help remedy the struggle.

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