The Plug Spotlight: Wendy Packer...

Wendy Packer / @fashionoverfifty.wendy Early Career & Industry Change    For someone as nifty with fashion as Wendy Packer, fashionista and Plugger extraordinaire,…

The Plug Crew . 25.07.19

The Plug Spotlight: Jourdan Parker...

Jourdan Parker / @whoisjourdan The Basics   Full Name: Jourdan Anthony Parker but my radio name is Jay Anthony! Occupation (Day Job + Passion…

The Plug Crew . 18.07.19

The Plug Spotlight: Mika Ziesman...

Mika / @makeupbymikaz The Basics   Full Name: Mika Ziesman Occupation (Day Job + Passion Occupation): Makeup artist+business owner Social Media Presence   Did you…

The Plug Crew . 20.06.19

The Plug Spotlight: Johnny Canizales...

Johnny / @j.canizales The Basics   Full Name: Johnny Canizales Occupation (day job + passion occupation): Creator/My passion job is to just do what…

The Plug Crew . 06.06.19

The Plug Spotlight: Kat Elizabeth...

Kat / @iamkatelizabeth The Basics   Full name: Katherine Elizabeth Rodrigues, but only on my passport — I go by Kat Elizabeth in my…

The Plug Crew . 30.05.19

The Plug Spotlight: Anita Aloys...

Anita / @auneetuh The Basics   Full name: Anita Aloys Occupation (day job + passion occupation): Marketing Coordinator + Lifestyle, Fashion and Branding…

The Plug Crew . 24.05.19

The Plug Spotlight: Tadia Franko...

Tadia / @freelyloveyou Social Media Presence   How did you get into the influencer game? What was the motivation or transition?  I kind…

The Plug Crew . 10.05.19

The Plug Spotlight: Ninah Caquias...

Ninah / The Basics   Full Name: Ninah Andrea Caquias Occupation: Personal style influencer / content creator Social Media Presence   How did you…

The Plug Crew . 02.05.19

The Plug Spotlight: Olivia Dejeu...

Olivia / @oliviadejeu The Basics   Full Name: Olivia Dejeu Occupation: Blogger/vlogger and marketer/freelancer Around the World   What initially inspired you to start…

The Plug Crew . 25.04.19