The Plug Spotlight: Paris Chanel...
Paris /@therebirthofparisc The Basics Full Name: Paris Shay Chanel Occupation: CEO of The Paris Chanel Agency Social Media Presence Did you…
Paris /@therebirthofparisc The Basics Full Name: Paris Shay Chanel Occupation: CEO of The Paris Chanel Agency Social Media Presence Did you…
Justin / @realjustinweber The Basics Full Name: Justin Weber Occupation: My day job is working with all kinds people in finances. We do what’s…
Jamie / @beautyrocksblog The Basics Full Name: Jamie Rockers Occupation: PR and Social Media Manager + Lifestyle Blogger/Instagrammer Social Media Presence …
Cotton / @cotytolly The Basics Full Name: Cotton Tolleson Occupation: Influencer Social Media Presence Did you decide to become an influencer? When I…
Shannon / @thesequinhanger The Basics Full Name: Shannon Kirchhoff Occupation: Full time mommy, online sales, product photography, marketing/advertisement (influencer) and all around hustler. I accept…
Sheena / @alwaysfashionablylatte The Basics Full Name: Shereen Minza Mohammed..but we can call her Sheena;) Occupation: Full time graduate student working towards being a ER…
Tamara / @tamarasputri About Tamara Occupation: Full time marketing & graphic designer at Ciputra and Freelance Photographer at Tammie Shoots. Social Media Presence How…
Rachel / @sparklepriestess About Rachel Occupation: For my day job, I’m a textile designer and I also do some assorted graphic design. I…
CJ / @cjjohnsonjr Creative Work How would you describe your scope of influence? My goal as an Influencer is to lead by example and…
This week, we reached an amazing milestone! In under a year, The Plug has gained over 10,000 users! We could not be prouder…