The Plug Spotlight: Paris Chanel...

Paris /@therebirthofparisc The Basics   Full Name: Paris Shay Chanel Occupation: CEO of The Paris Chanel Agency   Social Media Presence   Did you…

The Plug Crew . 18.04.19

The Plug Spotlight: Justin Weber...

Justin / @realjustinweber The Basics   Full Name: Justin Weber Occupation: My day job is working with all kinds people in finances. We do what’s…

The Plug Crew . 12.04.19

The Plug Spotlight: Jamie Rockers...

Jamie / @beautyrocksblog The Basics   Full Name: Jamie Rockers Occupation: PR and Social Media Manager + Lifestyle Blogger/Instagrammer     Social Media Presence  …

The Plug Crew . 04.04.19

The Plug Spotlight: Cotton Tolleson...

Cotton / @cotytolly The Basics   Full Name: Cotton Tolleson Occupation: Influencer   Social Media Presence   Did you decide to become an influencer? When I…

The Plug Crew . 21.03.19

The Plug Spotlight: Shannon Kirchhoff...

Shannon / @thesequinhanger The Basics Full Name: Shannon Kirchhoff Occupation: Full time mommy, online sales, product photography, marketing/advertisement (influencer) and all around hustler. I accept…

The Plug Crew . 08.03.19

The Plug Spotlight: Shereen Minza Mohammed...

Sheena / @alwaysfashionablylatte The Basics Full Name: Shereen Minza Mohammed..but we can call her Sheena;) Occupation: Full time graduate student working towards being a ER…

The Plug Crew . 01.03.19

The Plug Spotlight: Tamara Suprobo Putri...

Tamara / @tamarasputri About Tamara  Occupation: Full time marketing & graphic designer at Ciputra and Freelance Photographer at Tammie Shoots. Social Media Presence How…

The Plug Crew . 20.02.19

The Plug Spotlight: Rachel Lang...

  Rachel / @sparklepriestess  About Rachel  Occupation: For my day job, I’m a textile designer and I also do some assorted graphic design. I…

The Plug Crew . 13.02.19

The Plug Spotlight: CJ Johnson...

CJ / @cjjohnsonjr Creative Work How would you describe your scope of influence? My goal as an Influencer is to lead by example and…

The Plug Crew . 01.02.19

Mission 10,000 Celebration!...

This week, we reached an amazing milestone! In under a year, The Plug has gained over 10,000 users! We could not be prouder…

The Plug Crew . 24.01.19